What my guides say about dealing with uncertainty....
Keep in mind, Buttercup, that we have been watching you and knowing you struggle with the unknown. That is how life is with this unknown aspect. Humans often need to know with certainty their future. However, there is no certainty with anyone's future, except the knowing that when you are in alignment with your truth and with your courage, you can allow for the unfolding of such beauty and significance.
Step back and allow for the unfolding to happen without needing to control or know that all is well. Know that in alignment with your truth, with your divinity, with your trust, you can allow for each day to unfold with grace and beauty. Although there will always be difficulties you need to know that they are for the highest good for your development as a soul on this earth plane at this time, just as the unfolding of the pandemic is teaching many lessons to everyone all at once.
This growth is painful as a whole, and individually many are suffering, but know this higher vibrational plane is being effected greatly for the positive through this transformation of energy. Trusting the unfolding at these times of crisis is most difficult, however, you can allow for growth more readily when you step back and receive your lessons more easily.
Fighting the frustrations and difficulties does not make it any easier on anyone. Expanding and giving room for these transformations while not bringing in the energy into your own field is what can and enhance your own vibration, your own vibrational resonance.
Know we have witnessed most significant growth at this time for the entire planet. Although it may not seem like there has been positive shifts, know that collectively and individually, there has been much dynamic change and resonance. Forget your own suffering and allow for the collective vibration to raise with your intentions of love and healing.
Stepping into this place allows you to step out of your own suffering without being consumed by your suffering. If you understand this, then you can allow for the growth to occur. Create opportunities to raise your own vibration through exercises of joy and love. Notwithstanding the tests of time, reach out to those you have not been in touch with for a gentle hello and connection of love is most healing.
Keep on this direction of love and know you cannot be wrong in this direction. Unfold like the petals of a rose happens naturally and without force and what is created is most beautiful. Be the rose for your family and friends today by smelling the essence of your own beauty. Ta, ta, Buttercup. You are dancing to your own beat. Continue on.